The Bluffs At The Dominion TIA

The Bluffs At The Dominion TIA

In April 2022, a comprehensive Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was conducted for The Bluffs at The Dominion, a proposed development located in the vibrant city of San Antonio, Texas. This development, set to introduce 270 multi-family dwelling units across 10.037 acres of land, is expected to significantly enhance the local landscape by 2025. The analysis aimed to meticulously evaluate the potential traffic implications of this project, focusing on key intersections within the area to ensure a seamless integration into the existing infrastructure.

The study revealed that the development is anticipated to generate 125 AM peak hour trips, 151 PM peak hour trips, and a total of 1,976 weekday trips. To mitigate the expected increase in traffic, specific improvements were recommended, including the restriping of approaches at certain intersections and the installation of additional traffic signals. Notably, a deceleration lane on Aue Road is proposed to further streamline traffic flow. These strategic enhancements are poised to maintain an optimal level of service, ensuring that The Bluffs at The Dominion not only becomes a coveted residential oasis but also a harmonious addition to the community’s dynamic rhythm.

Download the PDF here:
The Bluffs At The Dominion TIA

2020 Reserve Study

2020 Reserve Study

The Dominion Homeowners Association, Inc. is pleased to announce the completion of our revised Reserve Study, conducted to ensure the financial and structural health of our community. As of April 16, 2020, with an update in September 2020, this study underscores our commitment to prudent reserve planning and strategic asset management. It provides a comprehensive analysis of our reserve components, funding goals, and a detailed plan to address future expenditures and maintain our community’s standards. For a closer look at our methodologies, findings, and strategic plan for maintaining and enhancing our shared spaces and infrastructure, we invite you to download the full Reserve Study here:

Reserve Study 2020 Rev1

November Committee Meeting Changes


There has been changes in this Month’s Committee Meetings. Please see the revised date changes below and as always please contact the HOA office if you have any questions or concerns.

  • Finance Committee – November 11th, 2021 at 3 pm.
  • Board Meeting – November 17th, 2021 at 4 pm.
  • Landscape – Canceled



Townhall Recap


On Tuesday, the Dominion HOA Board of Directors held a “town hall” meeting to present information about the zoning initiative, a proposed apartment complex, the city’s approval process, and The Dominion HOA’s approval process to address concerns and questions. Some residents in The Dominion expressed concerns about rezoning of a 3-acre parcel and an apartment complex proposed for the area located near Dominion Drive and Aue Road.

As such, The Dominion or The Dominion HOA is a Planned unit development or PUD which is comprised of single-family homes, office buildings, retail centers, restaurants, and apartments. The retail centers, office space, country club and current apartments (The Grand) in the PUD are owners within the HOA and pay assessments. Residences, most of which are single family homes (a few duplexes and 1 attached townhome complex) are located inside the secured perimeter (behind guarded gates). The office buildings, retail strips and current apartments are outside the secured perimeter.

In 2013, a 7-acre parcel in the Dominion Planned Unit Development at Aue Road was rezoned from R6 (single family residential) to MF 25 (multifamily). At that time, the DHOA Board supported the rezoning. In 2019, the DHOA Board supported the rezoning of the 7-acre tract from MF-25 to MF-33 (33 units per acre). In 2021, the DHOA Board supported the rezoning of an adjacent 3-acre parcel to MF-33 to match the 7-acre tract. The DHOA cannot prohibit the property owner from building what City code allows. But we have a set of protective covenants that helps hold the builders to Dominion standards.

Residents expressed several specific concerns but in general, revolve around traffic, safety and security, review/approval process, communications, and transparency of the HOA. The HOA received an extensive list of specific questions and suggestions and is working to review and respond to these questions and concerns in a timely manner.

The Dominion HOA is governed by a 9-member Board of Directors who are elected by the owners of property within the PUD. The Board is authorized and required to act on behalf of the owners on all matters of the HOA such as assessments, budgets, policies, rules, standards, contracts, HOA employees and vendors, new development and neighborhoods, and covenants for new neighborhoods. The Board is also authorized and required to act on new projects such as commercial buildings, office complexes, retail centers, and multifamily projects such as the Grand Apartments in Leon Springs which are within the PUD. As such, The Dominion PUD is comprised of single-family homes within the security gates, office buildings, retail centers, restaurants, and apartments outside of the security gates.

The Dominion HOA Board formed and appointed members to several committees to advise the Board on matters such as security, finance, architectural control, landscaping, and neighborhood outreach. Board of Directors and committees are owners in the community and are volunteers.

After review of a “conceptual plan” of the apartment project by the Development Committee and the Architectural Control Committee (ACC), The Dominion Board of Directors voted to support the zoning request for the 3-acre parcel to MF-33, as it allowed for the proposed developer to spread the desired units amongst more acres (less dense) which allowed for the proposed project to build 3 story town home style apartments versus the typical 4 story apartment complex style. The Board is supportive of the project concept but has not reviewed or approved final plans for the project. Such final plans should include specifications on access points, traffic control efforts to mitigate added traffic, security infrastructure such as fencing location, types, and height. Again, the final plans for this project have not been received or approved by The Dominion HOA Board.

Going forward, The Dominion HOA Board will meet to review this project after the ACC reviews the project from an architectural standpoint and the Development Committee reviews the project for impact of the traffic and infrastructure and likely the Security Committee to review on community security. A traffic study has been requested and will be performed and submitted to the HOA for review.

Throughout the process the Dominion HOA and your Board of Directors will endeavor to provide as much information to the owners of The Dominion on this project as it is able. In this instance, The Dominion simply followed the notice procedures used in the past. Namely, notice through Board meeting agendas and minutes. However, we agree that matters of greater importance to the owners of property should be emphasized through separate and clear communication to owners. We will make sure this happens. As always, meetings of the Board and the Committees are open to residents for comments and questions. Such comments and questions can also be submitted in writing.

Thank you for your attention.

The Dominion HOA Board of Directors

Botanica-The Dominion Slides

2019 Non-Resident Transponder Renewal Process

All 2018 (current) Non-Resident transponders for The Dominion will expire January 31, 2019. All persons wishing to secure a Non-Resident transponder for the 2019 calendar year are required to renew the transponder for 2019.
The fee for each Non-Resident transponder is $100 for each calendar year. The fee is non-transferrable and non-refundable.
Existing Non-Resident transponders do not require a new application to be completed.
For new applications, submit an application/agreement to The Dominion HOA office. The application will need to be signed by the Sponsoring Resident and the Non-Resident requesting the transponder.
Non-Resident applicants will need to present a valid driver’s license and vehicle registration.
The fee for each Non-Resident transponder is $100 for each calendar year. The fee is non-transferrable and non-refundable.
The application/agreement can be obtained at the HOA office or downloaded HERE.
Non-Resident applicants will be required to adhere to all traffic rules of The Dominion and should notify the HOA of discontinued use of the vehicle transponder. Failure to comply with the policy may result in the revocation or deactivation of the Non-Resident transponder.
Please contact the HOA with any questions 210-698-1232.
Thank you,
The Dominion HOA


The Dominion HOA is now using an Emergency Notification System with updates on weather events, safety and security emergencies which affect you in The Dominion. The system is called RapidCast and is setup to notify you by text message when such an emergency may affect you or your property. There is no direct cost to you to sign-up, but in order to participate, you must voluntarily register and provide your cell phone number.
Sign up to receive Emergency Text Notifications from the HOA:
Register for RapidCast
or text the word “Dominion” to 22383

Non-Resident Transponder Renewal

All 2017 (current) Non-Resident transponders for The Dominion will expire December 31, 2017. All persons wishing to secure a Non-Resident transponder for the 2018 calendar year are required to submit an application/agreement to The Dominion HOA. The application will need to be signed by the Sponsoring Resident and the Non-Resident requesting the transponder. Non-Resident applicants will need to present a valid driver’s license and vehicle registration. The fee for a Non-Resident transponder is $100 for the calendar year. The application/agreement can be obtained at the HOA office or downloaded HERE.

Individuals with a Non-Resident transponder will be required to adhere to all traffic rules of The Dominion and must advise the HOA upon the sale or theft of the vehicle. Failure to comply with the policy may result in the revocation or deactivation of the Non-Resident transponder.

Please contact the HOA with any questions 210-698-1232.

SafeHouse is LIVE

Please visit the website to access your account. You may save this as a “Favorite” for quick access.

In order to login to your account through the website and/or through the app, you will need to use the following information you provided when you created your account:

User ID (10-digit primary phone #, including area code, no dashes)

User Password (4-5 digit numerical PIN #) 

Please bear in mind, you will need to complete your account by updating with any additional permanent guests, authorized vendors, as well as temporary guests needing access moving forward. You will no longer use QuickPass or the portal.

SafeHouse also offers a convenient smartphone app called “WebGuest“, which you can download from the AppStore or GooglePlay.

Please contact the HOA office with any questions at (210) 698-1232.
